Digital Humanities Lab
Digital Humanities Lab
Rm 1.12 Sir Roland Wilson Building
The Digital Humanities Lab in the Sir Roland Wilson Building was funded by a successful Major Equipment Grant in 2018. It provides a much-needed space for cutting edge research. The Lab is home to an interdisciplinary research team.
Teaching at all levels from undergraduate to academics is important to the Centre and at the core of our practice-based learning approach is the Digital Humanities Lab. The Lab is a teaching space where students access staff expertise, licenced software, and specialist equipment. Students are encouraged to teach each other, share successes and failures, and build collaborations.The Lab is a safe space where students (and academics) feel welcome to experiment with the challenges and advantages of using digital tools and is supporting the rapid development of a diverse and vibrant postgraduate cohort.
The lab also supports our academics in their research and collaboration with colleagues across the ANU. It i used for training in digital methods and for sharing and planning new projects. The Lab fosters important collaborations between the Centre for Digital Humanities Research and other disciplines within the ANU, including the School of Art and Design, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College of Asia and the Pacific, and the College of Engineering and Computer Science to name a few. The Lab is currently supporting research collaboration and industry engagement with the national cultural and collecting institutions in Canberra.
Lab Resources
The Lab is used for teaching in our Digital Humanities courses and for independent research by CDHR academics, associates and HDR students. The Lab includes the following resources:
- High powered Macs and PCs to support image editing, VR creation, GIS, etc
- 4k ultra high definition video screens
- Equipment and software for producing 3D scans and models
- Equipment and software to support object-focused learning
- a range of tablets and portable computing devices
- digital cameras
- Oculus Rift VR headset, controllers, and sensors
- digitization and photogrammetry suite (lights, camera, backdrop)
- Foldio studio for photogrammetry and object photography
The lab is open to registered users every day between 8:45 and 4:30pm. It is a shared space and users are expected to share access to machines and specialist equipment. As a rule project work should not be stored on lab machines (and always backed up separately), users should not reserve machines for use when not in the lab and processes should not be left running without supervision (unless discussed with staff). There are certain times when the lab is not aviable due to teaching or special events, please refer to this calendar for availability.
Lab availability
All users must read and complete the CDHR induction form (including having it signed by a relevant supervisor). If you are a new user please contact us first to discuss access.
CDHR induction form
Airtable equipment lending
Access the Airtable equipment lending database.
If you are interested in engaging with the lab and research in the CDHR please contact us