‘Silence of the Stones’ will air on NITV’s ‘Living Black’ next Monday 5 July at 8:30PM

‘Silence of the Stones’ will air on NITV’s ‘Living Black’ next Monday 5 July at 8:30PM
Friday 2 July 2021

In 2021 the theme for NAIDOC Week is – Heal Country!

The documentary ‘Silence of the Stones’ will air on NITV’s ‘Living Black’ next Monday 5 July at 8:30PM as part of their NAIDOC Week scheduling.


The program was sparked by a project led by CDHR researchers into Aboriginal stone artefacts commonly found on farming properties and which often end up in small country town museums across the nation.


See more about the project: TALKING ABOUT STONES



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Updated:  2 July 2021/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications