Welcome to the Centre for Digital Humanities Research

Digital Humanities is a new and dynamic program at the ANU that supports students and researchers working with digital technology in a range of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. The ANU is one of only a few universities in the world to offer both undergraduate and graduate programs in Digital Humanities. These programs offer unique opportunities to apply digital methods to cultural objects and analyses, while also allowing students to turn a critical eye upon the rapidly changing digital world in which we live.

ANU has a strong network of researchers across a range of disciplines working on exciting and innovative Digital Humanities projects who are actively contributing to the development of digital humanities and e-research at the Australian National University, as well as nationally and internationally. The CDHR enjoys strong links with our national cultural institutions in Canberra, as well as ongoing collaboration with international centres for digital research in humanities and the arts.

The CDHR supports researchers working with a variety of different digital tools and methodologies and across a range of disciplines. We welcome researchers and students wanting guidance in creating and managing digital projects and collections.


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Updated:  1 December 2023/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications