A Digital Magical Mystery Tour of the British Library’s Collections and its Projects

A Digital Magical Mystery Tour of  the British Library’s Collections and its Projects

Join us for a public talk highlighting the complex and diverse digital materials collected and preserved by the British Library, the UK’s national legal deposit library. This talk will focus on the British Library’s digital collections, particularly through the work of the British Library Labs  - a platform and services that help researchers, artists, entrepreneurs, educators and innovators to work on, experiment, incubate and develop their ideas of working with the British Library’s digital content.

Date & time

Wed 23 Oct 2019, 5–6.30pm


Conference Room 1.02, Level 1, Sir Roland Wilson Building, Building 120


Mahendra Mahey, British Library


Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller


Updated:  24 September 2019/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications