Everything you always wanted to know about Digital Humanities (But were too afraid to ask)

Digital Humanities Now - A State of the Art

Digital Humanities Pedagogy

Digital Humanities & the Researcher

Digital Humanities & Research Design

08 September 2021

Everything you always wanted to know about Digital Humanities (But were too afraid to ask)


More info here: http://www.achrc.net/digital-humanities-series

DH Now, A State of the Art
(3 Sept, 12 noon – 12:45 AEST)

Prof. Simon Burrows and Dr. Tully Barnett will consider how DH should be defined, what it is as well as its limits. They will explore whether owing to its broad applications, whether DH is unavoidable for scholars in the Humanities, and whether we are all Digital Humanists now.

DH & Pedagogy
(10 Sept, 12 noon – 1pm AEST)

Dr. Erin McCarthy and Dr. Katrina Grant will be in discussion with Prof. Simon Burrows on DH in the classroom, the benefits, challenges, and obstacles, as well as explore ways to begin integrating DH in course curriculum.

DH & the Researcher
(17 Sept, 4-5pm AEST)

A/Prof. Rachel Hendery and A/Prof. Tim Sherratt will be interviewed by Dr. Tully Barnett regarding their journeys to becoming Digital Humanists. They will discuss what it means and what it takes to be a DH researcher today, and what is it like to lead or to work as part of a DH team, or undertake independent research.

DH & Research Design
(24 Sept, 12 noon -1pm AEST)

A panel discussion with Prof. Kath BodeProf. Ray SiemensDr. Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, and Dr. Tully Barnett on how to go about designing a DH research project or using DH methods, the key elements to a good DH project, and what expert examiners look for in grant applications which integrate DH approaches.

Updated:  5 October 2021/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications